Research Journal of Ayurved2022-03-09T00:00:00+00:00Vaidya Harshit S Shahakhandanandprincipal@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Ultimate Research Journal of Ayurved (U.R.J.A.) is a peer reviewed open access Bi-annualal online e- journal published by GOVERNMENT AKHANDANAND AYURVED COLLEGE, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT. It publisheses the finest peer-reviewed research / review articles in the field of Ayurved and allied sciences. It covers all the branches of Ayurved and its allied sciences on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timelineness and utility of the article to mass.</p> CLINICAL STUDY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF YAKRITDALYUDAR W.S.R. TO ALCOHOLIC STEATOSIS2022-02-16T04:24:44+00:00Dr. Sriram Chandra Mishravdsriram@yahoo.comNishant<p>In today’s life, there is great change in the socio-economical conditions, life style, ethical values in the society but this has leads to many health hazards. Addictions to alcohol have also increased in the present population. Chronic alcoholic addiction causes serious effect on the organ liver leading to Alcoholic Steatosis, which may turn into alcoholic cirrhosis related Ascites. In <em>ayurveda, Yakritdalyudar </em>is one among the eight types of <em>Udara Roga </em>where there is direct involvement of the organ has been mentioned. <em>When Yakritdalyudar </em>not treated properly it culminates into J<em>alodara </em>(Ascites). A pilot study was conducted for 30 days to kow the effect of <em>Rohitakadya churna, Punarnavasava, </em>Sylimarin in the management of Yakritdalyudar W.S.R. to Alcoholic Steatosis. Comparative effects of therapies reveal that Control drug Sylimarin is more effective than Trial Drug <em>Rohitakadya churna </em>and Trial Drug <em>Punarnavasava with Rohitakadya churna</em>, whereas Trial Drug <em>Punarnavasava with Rohitakadya churna</em> is more effective than Trial Drug <em>Rohitakadya churna.</em></p>2022-03-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimate Research Journal of Ayurved USE OF SNEHADI KARMAS IN KUSHTHA CHIKITSA2022-02-07T08:21:12+00:00ROHINI SALVErohinirakesh2@gmail.comVD RAKESH<p>Skin diseases cause discomfort, deformity, disfigurement in the patient. Skin is the largest organ of the body which protects body from external disease producing factors. In skin diseases the area of involvement may vary from small area to area covering entire body. In such conditions change in Lifestyle (change in Soap), use of Moisturizers, internal use of Corticosteroids, anti-histamines, Light Therapy are used. But with instant recovery many noticeable side-effects are also produced. When such patients come to Ayurved diagnosis is made with the study of signs and symptoms. Most of the skin diseases are studied under Twak vikar or Kushtha. If diagnosed accurately Ayurved treatment gives excellent results. Kushtha is classified as Maha-Kshudra-Asankhya Types. In Maha-kushtha Dhatugata avastha occurs. Both Shaman and Shodhan treatment have been advised in the management of Kushtha. Here an attempt is made to explain use of different procedures in Kushtha chikitsa.</p>2022-03-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimate Research Journal of Ayurved OF KRIYAKALPA IN THE MANAGEMENT OF EYE DISEASES2022-02-15T04:49:13+00:00Kinjal Jeetendrakumar Panchalakshayayagnik58@gmail.comAkshaya Yagnikakshayayagnik58@gmail.comRavina Bariyabariyaravina1796@gmail.comProf. Vd. Hemangi shukla Shukladrhemangishukla@gmail.comAbhishek Tiwari<p> <em>Shalakya</em> <em>tantra</em> is one of the branch of <em>Ayurveda</em>, which associates with conditions of eye, ear, nose throat and mouth and also called that disorder related to the <em>Urdhva</em>jatru i.e. above clavicle region .<em>Ayurvedic</em> <em>Acharya</em> has stated that the eye is one of the most important organ amongst all: “<em>Sarvendriyanam</em> <em>Nayam</em> <em>Pradhanam</em>” in the Samhita . It is most importance to maintain the health of the eyes and cure diseases in an effective manner. <em>Acharya</em> have mentioned detailed local therapeutic procedures to administer and cure urdhvajatrugata diseases in simple and effective methods. <em>Acharya</em> <em>Sushruta</em> termed them as <em>Kriyakalpa </em>. <em>Kriyakalpa</em> is the procedures in which medications/ medicated drugs are applied in or around the eyeball. It is very necessary to keep the eyes healthy in their normal state. in this article we will expound various <em>Kriyakalpa</em> and various formulations mentioned in <em>Ayurveda</em>.</p> <p><em> </em></p>2022-03-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimate Research Journal of Ayurved IMPORTANCE OF PANCHKARMA CHIKITSA IN THE MANAGEMENT OF JWARA2022-02-21T04:46:33+00:00ROHINI SALVErohinirakesh2@gmail.comVD PRIYANKA<p><em>Chikitsa</em> is the procedure by which <em>Dosha,</em> <em>Dhatu</em>, <em>Mala</em> are kept in balanced state. Ayurveda <em>Chikitsa</em> depends upon <em>Avastha</em> of <em>Upasthita</em> <em>Dosha,</em> <em>Dhatu</em>, <em>Malas, Bala, Kala</em> etc. Fever is an important part of the body’s defence system. After a while if fever continues it may result in severe weakness in the body, convulsions sometimes death too. All types of Fever are included in <em>Jwara </em>according to Ayurveda. <em>Jwara</em> is considered as the lord among the diseases because of its power of afflict the body, senses, and mind. <em>Jwara</em> is of many types depending upon etiologic factors, <em>Dhatugata Avastha</em>, chronicity etc. management of <em>Jwara</em> depends upon type and <em>Dosha</em> involved. <em>Agni </em>which produces <em>Ama</em> i.e undigested toxins is thrown out of their places and carried by <em>Rasa Dhatu</em> in the body and produces <em>Jwara</em>. In <em>Jwar</em>a<em> Shaman, Shodhan, Brihana Chikitsa</em> has been advised by our <em>Acharyas</em>. Panchkarma plays an important role in the management of <em>Jwara</em>. Selection of <em>Karma</em> is very important for the success. Here an attempt is made to explain role of Panchakarma in <em>Jwara</em> and its different <em>Avastha</em>.</p>2022-03-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimate Research Journal of Ayurved LINE OF TREATMENT ON VATAJA SHIRAHSHOOL – A SINGLE CASE STUDY2022-02-11T05:17:25+00:00Kinjal Jeetendrakumar Panchalakshayayagnik58@gmail.comProf. Vd. Hemangi Shukladrhemangishukla@gmail.comPriyanka Patelpiyumpatel97@gmail.comDarshana Vekariyavekariyadarshana18@gmail.comAbhishek<p>Vatika shirahshool is most common among all shiroroga which is mentioned by the acharyas but till date no satisfactory treatment is available for Vatika shirahshoola. All medical systems are presently treating this condition symptomatically but permanent solution is not found. Numbers of researches have been carried out in this direction; till search for complete remission is awaited. Therefore, search for a safer management from other systems of medicine is of greater interest. This forces the need to have a drug which and cure the disease without any adverse effects. As per Acharya Susruta in Vatika Shirahshool all the treatment should be done like Vatavyadhi Chikitsa. In present case study reveals a role of Bruhan Nasya ,which give beneficial effect in the management of Vataja Shirahshool.</p> <p><em> </em></p>2022-03-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimate Research Journal of Ayurved